How to make Films ?

Filmmaking involves a number of complex and discrete stages including an intial story, idea or commission, through screenwritting, casting, shooting. sound recording and pre-production, editing, and screening the finished product before an audience that may result in a film release and exhibition.

when you make a film, you need to follow an orgnised process. 
it's best to think of filmmaking as three distinct stages:

* Planning and getting ready to film (development and pre-production)
*filming(production), and
*completing the film and getting it ready to show (post-production)

( development and pre-production)
In this stage you work out your filmmaking idea and how you will tell your story.
Your idea should be simple. Try writing it down in 50 word or one tweet;
if you can't, you need to rethink it or simplify it.

Once you've got your idea, write a script and make storyboards or shot list.
Make sure you have all the people and all the gear you need before you start shooting.

Chosen a location? Don’t just assume it will be OK. Visit it before the shoot. Check that you can get permission to film there, if you need it. Check the light. Check that there won’t be any interruptions or distracting sounds. Check there’s space to get all the camera positions you need.

Make sure you get any legal agreements – e.g. actor release forms – signed before you start shooting: you don’t want to be arguing about these after you’ve completed your film.

                                         learn more about film planning

 How can you shoot and film your own movie.

Make sure you’re confident with your equipment before you start filming: spend time practising on short films that don’t matter before you start serious filmmaking.

You should shoot a bit more than you need, but if you shoot hours of footage it’ll take you forever to sort through it to find the bits you want. For a one-minute drama film you might need to shoot between three and five minutes of video. Documentaries – where you can’t control what there is to film – will need much more than this.

Watch what you’ve filmed and check it’s OK before you leave the location. Is the colour right? Is the framing right? Have you got all the shots you need?

If you’re recording live sound, pay particular attention to the sound quality and make sure to record some background sound or ‘ambience’ which will help with the editing.

                                                               Learn more about filming

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